Aiolos goes USA!

Welcome to a webinar where we will present Europes nr 1 energy forecasting system.
Aiolos is Europe's most widely used forecasting system for energy predictions. The system is used by hundreds of energy companies, including some of the largest in Europe. While we have a number of customers in the USA, we aim to establish a larger presence in the USA and Canada. As a first step, we are planning a webinar to introduce Aiolos to forecasting experts in the USA and Canada.

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During the webinar, we will present the system and showcase some of its best features.
Examples of functionality include:
-    Presentation of the Aiolos interface.
-    How we work with multiple AI/ML models.
-    How we can weight internal and external forecast models to improve predictions.
-    How we handle input data and the support functions we have to enhance data quality.
-    How we use regimes to further enhance forecast quality.
We will also invite some of our clients to answer questions about us as a supplier and our system, Aiolos. 
The webinar is free of charge. 

When - 25 of April 2024 at 14.00 CET
Where - Online – Teams
Register yourself by clicking the red button
Questions? Contact Kristoffer Roger, +46 70 300 2546