Aiolos Forecast Studio

We´ve been working with energy forecasting for 30 years. Aiolos Forecast Studio
has been developed in close contact with leading companies in the European
energy market. Now we´re expanding the experience with new technology,
such as AI and machine learning.

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"In our experience, several forecast models perform better than one. We have developed Aiolos to use multiple in-data, such as nine weather forecast suppliers, external forecasts and R/Python integrations as well as the AI and ML models. With our system you don´t have to choose what to trust. Configure it in Aiolos and let the algorithms choose the best solution for you. Sounds like a black box? Don´t worry, you have full control".

- Niklas Berg, CEO

What we do

Demand Forecasting

Use Aiolos to forecast your portfolio’s electricity, gas or district heating/district cooling consumption. Aiolos makes forecasts for intraday, day ahead, a week ahead or up to several years ahead.

RES Forecasting

Forecast your production assets or the total production in a region or country for intraday, day ahead or up to ten days ahead. Wind power, solar PV and hydro power production, all in one system!

AI & Machine Learning

With more than 20 models, we offer powerful AI and machine learning models and integration with R/Python.
You´ll never need to think about which models are most efficient for your forecast, you can run them all!

Evaluate Forecasts

Are you about to evaluate external forecast suppliers? Use Aiolos as an evaluation tool and see which supplier, or combination of suppliers, performs best.

See Aiolos in action

Watch the video where forecasting expert Rasmus Erlandsson introduces Aiolos Forecast Studio.


TSO, ARP, traders and producers rely on Aiolos Forecast Studio on a daily basis.


Weather suppliers are included in Aiolos Forecast Studio that contribute to consumption and production forecasts.


Countries are represented in our customer portfolio.

Aiolos Forecast Studio provides accurate electricity retail forecasts for our trading desk. All in line with our goal to minimize imbalance costs.
Kruno Kuljis, Physical Trading Manager, Modity

Aiolos offers weather forecasts from 9 suppliers

Book a demo

Get a personal demo of the functionality in Aiolos Forecast Studio and how we can help you.

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