Vitec Energy

We offer software for energy utilities, energy traders, TSOs and other operators in the sector. Over 200 companies in 30 countries use our energy forecasting softwares, geographical information systems as well as grid simulations for district heating and cooling.

Contact us

Are you a student at a technical university?

We in the NetSim -team love to share knowledge about district heating/cooling and grid simulations. Therefore, we have created a university license for NetSim with no annual subscription fee. You get all the same features as a regular user, but for free. The only charge that may apply is a small installation fee.

Interested in a career at Vitec Energy?

At Vitec Energy, we´re constantly looking for talented people to join our team. If you´re interested in learning more, don't hesitate to contact us.

Book a demo

Get a personal demo of Aiolos Forecast Studio and find out how we can help you.

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